To determine how serious a wall crack might be, it's best to examine the shape of the crack and the direction it runs on the wall. If the crack is vertical and starts near the apex where the wall and ceiling meet, it might be a sign that it was created when the foundation settled after construction. Vertical cracks run the same direction as drywall, generally making them less serious. If the crack is horizontal or runs at a jagged 45-degree angle, it might mean there's a more serious problem such as severe foundation shifting or water damage. Surface-blemish cracks can often be repaired with drywall putty, sanding tools and a fresh coat of paint.
More severe cracks usually require professional help to determine the exact cause and might include some reconstruction to prevent further damage. Stair-Step Cracks.
A stair-step crack looks like a flight of stairs and runs in both vertical and horizontal directions across the wall. The continuous pattern usually follows the grout or cement lines between cinder blocks. According to Almost Home, stair-step cracks in cinder block foundation walls — usually found in unfinished basements — are a result of soil settling beneath the center of the wall. The only sure way to tell if the issue is serious is to hire an an engineer to perform soil tests and core drill tests to determine what repairs are needed.
Another way to test the seriousness of a wall crack is to open and close internal doors to bedrooms and bathrooms and evaluate whether the doors stick. If so, ensure the sticking isn't a result of paint, faulty hardware or cracked wood.
If you determine there's nothing obstructing the swinging motion of the door, it might be a sign of a moderate to severe foundation change, often resulting in wall cracks. According to MSN Real Estate, sticky doors could indicate that the frame has been twisted by a shifting house.
If you notice a visible gap at the top of a sticky door where it meets the door frame and you see light shining through, that might also signal a serious settlement problem, often resulting in jagged, horizontal cracks on nearby walls. Visible Nails.